Changing the Straw in the Coup

i use timothy grass hay in my coop ........ dirt floor ........ the hay never stays in a layer , they always scratch it over to one side ....they prefere the dirt floor i guess ...... im cleaning out my coop every 2 weeks ,,,,, fresh hay , scraping poo off of hard surfaces ....etc........ sounds like im waisting hay !!!!!! i just dont feel right leaving them in that filth !!!!!
Yeah that is a lot of hay. I use straw because its thicker and doesn't break down as fast. I also have a dirt floor and about once a week I had to re spread the straw because there would be huge bare spots and thick spots of straw. I just make sure to clean the poop boards 2-3 times a week into a old feed bag then it goes on the garden in the spring!


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