Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

I feel so guilty wanting to bid on so many auctions! Like my current chickens/ducks/geese aren't good enough! I will get them some dried mealworms as an apology! Well that'll work for the chickens anyway...
I feel so guilty wanting to bid on so many auctions!  Like my current chickens/ducks/geese aren't good enough!  I will get them some dried mealworms as an apology!  Well that'll work for the chickens anyway...:D

Don't feel guilty. You're just trying to make them some new friends ;) lol
Ladycat, how goes your search for Lavender Marans, I haven't asked you since I made waves on the Marans thread by typing Maran. Lol :)

Lol. Some of the hardcore breeders are hardcore.
I posted pics of our very first chicks (junk quality brahmas).
People on the breeder thread suggested I cull myself for feeding them
I need to order lumber and welded wire fencing, nails/screws, more lumber, more wire, oh, and lumber!

I will be in that same boat in a few months. Moving to the Carolinas, bringing the flocks with me but not the coops. I currently have 14 flocks so will have lots of building to do very quickly. Only dilemma is that I'm a single woman moving alone and build my coops myself. This move might just kill me but I'm bound to do it :). Will more than likely build 1 xlarge coop to house everyone while I work on the individual ones.
Lol. Some of the hardcore breeders are hardcore.
I posted pics of our very first chicks (junk quality brahmas).
People on the breeder thread suggested I cull myself for feeding them

I started a two page, mainly caps lock discussion on 'how dare I ask about new breeds on behalf of someone else and not even bothering to add the s on the end when the main breeds are still being established'
Honestly, with the reactions I got on there, you would have thought I had kidnaped the queen.
This then turned into a debate on how you pronounce Marans, as it is French and I told them using my realtively limited understanding of French that it is pronounce 'Maran' no s.

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