Cheapest source for mealworms?


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Hi all-

Our local feedstore only sells mealworms in what I affectionately refer to as "foofy packaging"....waaaaay overpriced. I'm seeing Chinese raised 'bulk' mealworms 5lbs for $30 on Amazon. Wondering where people are buying mealworms and what they are paying for them?

Or, I suppose, I should back up a step. I'm looking for chicken treats for my 2 year old to give to our girls. Hoping to not spend much money here....maybe cracked corn would be cheapest? Other suggestions?
To be honest, cracked corn and fruit/veggies are the only "treat" I've given my chickens. I've never tried mealworms.
My chickens love cucumbers, and it helps children who are scared of being bitten. I just slightly skin the end of one so the chickens know where to peck, and let the child grab the opposite end while your birds happily peck away from tiny hands :)
I raise them. Just make sure they are fed one at a time so they don't escape! I got my starter meal worms at a fishing store. I bought two packages for six dollars, and they eat corn meal, veggie scraps, and the powdery stuff at the bottom of cereal boxes!
When buying only a thousand or so live meal worms at a time, I buy them from a local wild bird supplies place for about $8 per 500. If needing them in the 10,000's I purchase them in bulk from a producer in either Illinois or Ohio. The dried version have proven inconsistent and not always palatable; assumption is they where not properly stored or packaged so went rancid.

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