Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
Mr. Waddles debut.....😜
@ROBEARS BANTAMS, welcome back, and thanks for the beautiful pictures of your adorable bantams! How many do you have?
Thank you, at the moment I have 21minions. 😊
I've been busy taking care of the chickens, turkeys and ducks hatching planting a garden and then clipping some goat feet, working the energy up to shear the sheep and feed the pigs, caught a peacock "frank" a moody indian blue and feed "tood our purple pead? not sure i spelled that correctly... in short its spring and busy...
Happy you are doing well! Thanks for the update
Still around...we have just gotten a new flock of 7 day-old chicks and built a new brooder & coop. We had to sell everything over a year ago because our township decided we weren't allowed to have chickens - even though we had them for years. They just changed the bylaws now, so we're back on. I guess it was time for a reboot. This time it will be a nicer coop with all the bugs worked out that we learned from the last batch. I appreciate having y'all for answers and it's fun to read about other's chickens and see their pictures - when I have time. Here's a picture of them in the homemade brooder with their first clump of sod to try out. They are only 2.5 weeks old here.
Cute bunch of babies! :love

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