Chemical straightening?

mine is also super thick and heavy. New stylists are always surprised and tell me they have never seen hair like that in a caucasian person. I compare it to boar hair- stiff
I agree about being careful with the heat setting on the flat iron also. I would make sure that you have an adjustable heat setting on the iron and set it as low as you can. Also limit the amount of time your hair is exposed to the heat. Hot rollers may be another alternative.
Lol my hair dresser compared mine to horse hair just better conditioned lol. She has to thin it out every time i go in since i keep it so layered. Mine is not stiff. Just thick!
You curly people are crazy.
You do know that us stick straight hair people would LOVE to have your hair, right?
Mine is adjustable. The low setting does nothing on my hair so i have it up a little past half way and only do the parts that really stick out so i do not expose my hair that long.

I just thought having it chemically done would help since i would just be exposing it one time ever so often and not every couple of days.
Quite a few years ago, I had my hair straightened. What had happened was that I had gotten a perm, something I had done a million times since I was a preteen. Well this last perm, I really did not care for. So, I went into the salon and asked to have it straightened. I believe what they used was pretty much like the perm solution. However, instead of using curling rods, they combed it straight, and I had to sit there super still, for like 30 minutes or so. It worked great. However, like a perm, it only lasted a few months. By this time, the original perm was gone too, though, so it worked out for me. Naturally, my hair is somewhat straight, with some mild waves to it. I have pretty thick course hair, so I could do lots of stuff to it, with minimal damage. You'd never know all the stuff I've put my poor mop through! With naturally curly hair, my guess is that you would have to have it done every few months or so, like people that get regular perms. If your hair is super coarse, and/or thick, it may take something stronger. I agree with Dar- what ever you choose to do, do a moisturizer, periodically. Flat irons, perms, relaxers, all that stuff really takes its toll. Good luck!
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I've had mine done and I was extremely happy with the results. You have to make sure that you don't wash your hair like they tell you. Mine told me two days, so I waited three.. I'd definitely do it again. It didn't really damage my hair too much. Just had to trim a little off. No biggie. It lasted several months.

I've also done the relaxers myself. Those sometimes work, but they don't do a good enough job for my liking. I will say that out of the ones I've tried, the relaxer that has the African-American woman on it, (I always used the strongest), worked the best. The one that has the white woman on it didn't seem to work too well on my hair, and I'm white..

If you've never done any of them before, I'd be cautious. It works differently with different types of hair. If you have long hair, worst thing that could happen is that you have to cut it short (or it will break off). If you already have short hair, you might end up with a buzz cut if it doesn't turn out well.

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