Cherry Tomatoes - First Time

Tevyes Dad

Leader of the Quack
8 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Well about two weeks ago, we bought some organic cherry tomatoes from Costco for the ducks. I took some out and cut them in half and the ducks completely turned up their noses at them. Guess that wasn't a hit. Well we ate a couple, but still had most of this two pound container. I looked at them today, and there was no mold on them, and they looked fine other than they were getting a bit wrinkly and soft - not real bad, but pretty ripe. I decided to see what would happen then. I went outside and the ducks were all excited (I could go out with a piece of cardboard and they would be all excited until they found out what it was
). I fed one to Snow and she gave it a squish and swallowed it down. Well I thought, there weren't any rough edges on them and if they managed to swallow one whole, it was soft enough it wouldn't stay that way long. I put a few of them on the ground for the general populace. They played with them a while then one or two bit down hard and broke them, then gobbled them down. The others followed suit and pretty soon all the ducks (except the Rouens - hmmm) were eating them. I paid special attention to the runners because they are small enough that I thought there could be choking problems. Actually the runners seemed to like them best of all and were very good about squishing them before swallowing, especially Noir and Mystique who probably ate half of the tomatoes. Mystique had her chest completely covered with seeds and tomato mush before I got the camera out. So here are some pics of their first cherry tomato party...










And Tevye of course had to wear around a tomato skin like lipstick through the whole thing. See, it isn't my imagination... No ducky else did this. Tevye is always the one doing something strange.
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Cute! I have never given them whole, I guess I don't have to worry about cutting them up.

I don't know if that is true when they are "fresh" from the store, because then they are pretty firm. They had just started to get a little wrinkly and were kind of soft so it was easier for the ducks to crush them. I would think that in another week, they probably would start to mold and that would have been bad. Since I have only done this once and they were perfect this time, I don't know if it is easily repeatable but next batch, I will let them sit on the counter in a basket with plenty of air flow and sun exposure to try to get them this way faster with no chance of mold. But none of the ducks swallowed them whole, the closest was our big Pekin but she still gave them one good squish then swallowed them. The runners had to work on them, but didn't seem to mind
Our ducks absolutely love cherry tomatoes. We grew three cherry tomato plants last summer that kept us in a good supply. Of course, as soon as the ducks figured out that garden = tomatoes, I could never work in the garden again without a constant (and loud!) begging performance!
Our ducks absolutely love cherry tomatoes. We grew three cherry tomato plants last summer that kept us in a good supply. Of course, as soon as the ducks figured out that garden = tomatoes, I could never work in the garden again without a constant (and loud!) begging performance!

Ducks have many qualities, but shame absolutely is not one of them. Perseverance however is.
Ducks have many qualities, but shame absolutely is not one of them. Perseverance however is.

Right?? You can add stubbornness to that list, too. Wobbles knows what "NO" means, but if he's drilling int he carpet and I yell "NO!" He'll look at me, and then sssslllloooowwwwllllly open his bill and lower his head back down...I yell it again, repeat process ad infinitum.

Also just a sidenote, but you always think up the best names for your ducks!
Right?? You can add stubbornness to that list, too. Wobbles knows what "NO" means, but if he's drilling int he carpet and I yell "NO!" He'll look at me, and then sssslllloooowwwwllllly open his bill and lower his head back down...I yell it again, repeat process ad infinitum.

Also just a sidenote, but you always think up the best names for your ducks!

Wobbles sounds like a micro-Snow
(She is my super-stubborn duck).

I am glad you like the names.

<shameless plug>
If you want to know the meanings behind all the names, they are in the book that is linked in my signature. It is a free PDF picture book

</shameless plug>
Looks like they are enjoying them! <3

My Mallard LOVES tomatoes. They are like candy to her. She once got a tummy ache from too many... Q.Q
I have to slice them for her though.

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