Chick barely alive! Pecked to near death! Help!!!

The other ones are hens. It's the only chick. It hatched from under my broody and it wandered from the nest. It's eyes haven't opened yet
Ok I mixed a baby aspirin in a gallon of water and gave it to the chick. I am afraid the poor guy will die
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What is the broody Mama doing? Did she try to defend her chick? Does she have more eggs/chicks under her? This is why it's considered ideal to isolate a broody hen from the flock, because other hens aren't always kind towards new chicks. I still don't understand why the chick's eyes aren't open, they are supposed to hatch with open eyes. This could be a birth defect & the reason why the hen let it wander away from her.

Separate the Mama hen & her other chicks from these hens & hope for the best for this injured chick.

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