Chick bleeding above tail feathers


Apr 17, 2017
NW Arkansas
I just noticed one of our chicks is bleeding just above her tail feathers and another chick is pecking at it. Is there something we can put on it also what should we do about preventing further harm. Remove either the "victim" or the "attacker" from the brooder for awhile? Any advice would be appreciated. I think they are about 3 weeks old, we got them from Orschelns two weeks ago.
This happened with my 7 leghorns. They were trying to establish the "pecking" order. They were 3 1/2 weeks at that point so we built the coop and moved them outside. Only turn on the heat lamp if it got below 50 degrees. It just seemed like they needed more space.

In just one week they're doing so much better
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Also, do you have them under a heat lamp? Is it a white bulb? Many people say that the white bulbs can cause/exacerbate feather picking. You will also want to be sure they are not too warm or too crowded. Do you have other chickens?
They are moving into a bigger brooder today. Came home from getting the pick no more lotion (blue kote says not to use on horses that will be used for food) and another one was vicitimized from feather picking. Took the two out to treat them (have 7 total) and am going to give them a little break from the rest. Moving them all into a huge cattle waterer in the garage today that will give them some more space. They grow so fast! Probably will move into the coop next week.
This afternoon there are now three victims of the one who is feather picking. So out of the 7 one is doing the pecking and 3 have been victims the pecker doesn't like the medicine we are putting on the others and tries to wipe it off it's beak but it doesn't seem to deter it. We have separated it from the others for the time being. We moved them all into a bigger brooder yesterday (a big cattle waterer) and they all seem to be happier but it hasn't stopped the one from feather picking the others. Any thoughts?

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