Chick born with deformed feet


Mar 25, 2018
Portland Oregon
Hey there,
We had a baby hatch with deformed feet. The others that hatched look great so the incubator temp and humidity worked fine for them. She is not getting to the water and food regularly and it is not getting any better after a day or two. The others are pecking at her deformed leg and wing. Do we need to juet put her out of her misery rather than let her slowly die?
Hey there,
We had a baby hatch with deformed feet. The others that hatched look great so the incubator temp and humidity worked fine for them. She is not getting to the water and food regularly and it is not getting any better after a day or two. The others are pecking at her deformed leg and wing. Do we need to juet put her out of her misery rather than let her slowly die?
How deformed? A bit more description plz?
The whole leg is bent in and she can barely walk without falling over.


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You can put a boot/shoe on her foot to straighten her toes, and hobbles to pull her legs together, but with both problems her prognosis is not good. Good luck.

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