Chick climbing on top of the others

Petra Pancake

7 Years
Jul 15, 2016
In the suburbs of Tel Aviv
So I've got these 4 chicks that have lost their mother this week. They are 5-6 weeks old and in a cage of their own. They roost on a board at night. One of them tries every evening to roost on the backs of his fellow chicks. They sit on the board, he sits on top of either of them. They wriggle and try to shake him off. Why does he do that? I suspect by his comb that he's a little roo, but isn' t that a bit early? And he does it only at roosting time in the evening.
I had a silkie chick that tried to climb under the others .
If it's dark try moving him to a different spot on the roost...

Roos show their true colours very early ...
Male or female, I've noticed that sometimes chicks just sit on each other or mom sometimes. Don't know why, but they do. Lol

If you're not sure on gender, post a pic and we can see if we can help out, even if they're a little young. :)

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