Chick Entertainment - Question

If your ground isn't still frozen, go out and dig up a big clump of sod - weeds, grasses, roots, little twigs, bugs and all - and put it in there. This does a few things. It gives them early access to the same ground they'll be living on when they go out. It's a good early exposure to the microbes and pathogens out there and helps them build up their natural immunities. It gives them something to play on - they climb it, fly onto it, play King of the Mountain on it, and as it breaks down they dust bathe in it. They get small bits of grit that are just their size.

That is an awesome idea!!! I'm heading out to the yard with my shovel now....
In that case... I would follow direction for the vaccination and NOT expose them before it is considered effective. Were they vaccinated for Marek's or cocci?
They were - we had them vaccinated for both cocci and marek's ... but I didn't know anything about a "quarantin" period!!!! :( the hatchery never said anything - except that I read here on BYC NOT to feed them medicated feed. Should I NOT be doing some things???? NOW I'M REALLY WORRIED!!! :barnie
They were - we had them vaccinated for both cocci and marek's ... but I didn't know anything about a "quarantin" period!!!! :( the hatchery never said anything - except that I read here on BYC NOT to feed them medicated feed. Should I NOT be doing some things???? NOW I'M REALLY WORRIED!!! :barnie
To be honest, I don't know. :hmm

Marek's vaccinated birds aren't welcome here. Accurate information though at this link...

And I copied the part you are interested in...
"After vaccination at hatch (before 36 hours of age!), it is important to isolate (quarantine) chicks from exposure to Marek's disease for a minimum of 3 weeks, for the maximum benefit and best chance for the vaccine to develop resistance within the immune system. Some chicken keepers prefer to go longer periods of time, while others do not. Exposure to other chickens (or their dander, which is easily carried on your clothes and hair) before the 3 weeks is over is not recommended. Exposure before 3 weeks should be avoided at all costs if you suspect or know your flock already has Marek's disease and are carriers. Exposing vaccinated chicks before three weeks may compromise the effectiveness of the vaccine."

Hope this is helpful somewhat! :fl
Blooie ! Im looking for my aggie marble. LOL I need to see some chick soccer ! :clap

Go fer it, Granny! Some play, some don’t. I found out about it accidentally when I first got chicks....I’d read on here to put marbles in the waterer so the chicks wouldn’t drown, so I ran out to pick up a bag of them. As I was getting them placed in the water, I dropped one. Charlie lit out after it, June was hot on his heels, and the chase was on. All I could do was sit there and laugh. :lau Since then I’ve had a few that played with them, others that ignored them. Ya just never know what’s going to appeal to each group.
Go fer it, Granny! Some play, some don’t. I found out about it accidentally when I first got chicks....I’d read on here to put marbles in the waterer so the chicks wouldn’t drown, so I ran out to pick up a bag of them. As I was getting them placed in the water, I dropped one. Charlie lit out after it, June was hot on his heels, and the chase was on. All I could do was sit there and laugh. :lau Since then I’ve had a few that played with them, others that ignored them. Ya just never know what’s going to appeal to each group.
hahahaaa I hope they do. they are bored little chicks.
If you are using a brooder with holes in the side or ceiling, or a carboard box, timothy grass is a MASSIVE hit when you hang it from the ceiling, or poke it through the sides of a cardboard box. Mine also liked it when I gave them a little box of hay and put some food inside as well. They would search for it. They like this better if you are using treat foods like bits of apple, but still enjoy searching for starter feed. When they are about 3 weeks old, I let them explore outside a bit, and increase the time every day until plopping them in a bunny cage for introduction to the flock.

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