Chick hatched with yolk outside the body


12 Years
Jun 10, 2007
i understand the hatching process, but i just had a chick hatch an hour ago that had the yolk attached on the outside. i am prepared for that idea that my chick may not live, but i dont understand why this has happened or if there is a way i can help it to live...
any feedback would be appreciated very much.
I have read about this before i think they said it because of high tempertaire and the yolk didnt get disovled. I don't kno what you could do to help it but just leave it alone and pray it makes it i guess.
the chick only lived 10 hours. it showed a natural instinct to remove the yolk that was still attached, but ended up pulling "things" (i dont know what specifically) out if his body. he lost a lot of blood, and i believe that to be its ultimate cause of death. i was researching it further to see if i could save him and i saw an explination that claimed that not turning the eggs enough in the beginning can lead to the yolk sticking to the shell, therefore not being ingested(?) by the chick
My step mom had a chick hatch like that so she took a needle and thread and sewed him up! Very only want to sew up the skin, not the muscle. The chick lived and grew up ...go figure to be a roo!!

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