Chick injury


9 Years
Nov 1, 2014
Went out this morning to let my 3 mo olds out in their run. All but 1 able to shoot like normal out of their baby pen in the big coop. The last girl/boy seemed to be held back by what I realized was a part of the bailing twine I had to use to tie up their feed container. The twine was wrapped around her tongue! Imagine a strand of dental floss wrapped around her tongue. Well after removing this twine ( won't go into detail, just didn't cut her tongue. ) She was amazingly calm through the ordeal. She went right to the water, appeared to have no difficulty. Had a discussion with the top hen of my flock through hardware cloth, and appears to be eating with just a tad bit of difficulty. Giving them cold watermelon hoping that will help with swelling I'm sure she has. What else can I do? Antibiotics?
Thank you for your response. If I had an avian vet around, I would heed your advice. The only thing I have is an equine vet whose wife has chickens & he is re-learning as he goes. I have seen my pullet ( hope, hope) eating with ease now. I think I'll call my equine vet & beg & plead with him to see my pullet (like saying it enough is going to make it so). And yes, she and all the others get just about all my love & attention.
I enjoy them so much.

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