Chick is hatching: Membrane is dried out! Help!*UPDATE: She made it!*

Maybe.. possibly.. your dad would take pics and post em?

lol. glad to hear she hatched!
He doesn't have internet...yet! Then I'm going to talk him into joining BYC, too!

He's also tried sending a pic of the chick to me with his cell phone and then I could send it to my email and post it here, but it wouldn't work; I guess it's not part of his phone plan or something?
Update: Oreo is now in the brooder box with food and water. She has been drinking and eating on her own. She has been lonely, being the other chick so far, so my dad said at night while he's watching TV he will take her out and watch TV while laying in his bed and he places her on his stomach and cups his hand over her and she will snuggle up under it like it's a mother hen.
So cute! He says she's really feisty too! LOL she pecked his finger once!

My dad said he also took her outside when she was all dry and fluffy and it was warm and sunny out. He just let her walk around in the grass, which she really enjoyed, and even Raven(her mother) came over and was looking at her. It's strange to think that she doesn't even know it's her own chick(or maybe she does?)

So Oreo has been on many little adventures. My dad said he would put a little stuffed animal in the brooder box with her to keep her company.
Hi guys! THANK YOU for all the tips. I think this post may have saved 2 of my chicks. I am a first timer and my chicks started pipping yesterday so someone in my family got concerned while I was out that it was going to get crowded for the ones that were still hatching and took out 4-5 chicks as they hatched and put them in the brooder. The humidity fluctuations caused a couple of other chicks to get stuck in their shells. One of the chicks died after having pipped a hole. Two others were stuck. We tried to help them by zipping all the way around but they still weren't coming out so finally after waiting all day, I decided to use the advice here and moisten the membranes which were turning white and rubbery and basically peel away carefully what I could. One of them freed herself by flailing her legs. One of them I can see the umbilical cord is still attached although there is no blood, so I have placed them both back in the incubator to recuperate and for the last one to free itself from the shell. I will find out in a little bit if they are strong and healthy otherwise.
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Just an update on this! My little survivors are doing well! They are a little bit smaller than the rest -they are also a day younger, but I have separated them as one of them was displayed splayed leg and I wanted to be able to bandage it up without having her become pecking central for the others. I am seeing a healthy appetite from her now. I think she was just getting the bare minimum with too many chicks competing with her.

I started blogging. I had so much to say and process from everything I have learned from you guys! I am just a beginner blogger so I would love your feedback too! I also put up a picture of my little cream legbar girl and her friend. I can't tell if the yellowish one is a male. He is definitely hybrid it looks like and not a pure bielefelder.
Hi I’ve an egg that is quite brown on the membrane,I’ve used paper wet towel to moisten and up the humidity it’s currently gone up to 90 it pipped slightly with the others earl yesterday , iveywo out of four in the brooder and this one look dried to me . I can see a air hole but nothing much ch s happening they are on day 29 now with this an the other not even pipped , any advice guys ? Thanks
You're doing the right thing- just keep the egg damp and it should make it out ok.
This posting just helped me out tremendously! Pipped early yesterday prior dawn, zipped and no was chirping but not fighting to get out.I took away small pieces of shell over 4-5 hours..noticed membrane was drying out..searched and found this post
Damp paper towel!! Very grateful


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This posting just helped me out tremendously! Pipped early yesterday prior dawn, zipped and no was chirping but not fighting to get out.I took away small pieces of shell over 4-5 hours..noticed membrane was drying out..searched and found this post
Damp paper towel!! Very grateful
Now it’s head is moving back and forth… sitting in container supported by paper towels…just gave a drop of Nutridrench with water in syringe…am I over thinking this?
Hi I’ve an egg that is quite brown on the membrane,I’ve used paper wet towel to moisten and up the humidity it’s currently gone up to 90 it pipped slightly with the others earl yesterday , iveywo out of four in the brooder and this one look dried to me . I can see a air hole but nothing much ch s happening they are on day 29 now with this an the other not even pipped , any advice guys ? Thanks
Day 30 today, fully developed, never pipped…just broke them open.. 2 beauties were deceased in shell.. no clue what happened..

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