Chick Names

So we finally named our chicks. My oldest named two of them Leia and Padme (from Star Wars), my youngest named two Britany and Sarah, my wife named one Cookie, and I named one tiny. I at first thought Tiny may be a runt but after conferring on here she, may be a he. I hope not we are not allowed to have roos in the city limits, and I have grown to love Tiny. She (he) pushes all the others around even though she (he) is the smallest.
All of our chickens have old fashioned names. We have...
Gladis, Louis, Daisy, Jewel, Inez, Rose and our newest additions, Mable, Matilda, Minnie (and Myrtle is hopefully hatching soon!)
My Serama Rooster is..Mister

I have two RIR's that are always together always! They are like, and Bella.

I had a leghorn when I started my flock..have had a few now since, I always call them Miss Piggy. They love their treats!

I have a little Bantam I call Charlie, because she has so much feathering on her legs and feet, she looks like Charlie Chaplin walking along.

An Olive Egger I just placed..I called Skittles. For good reason. She skittled around the yard, was here, then there, and she was going fast as she went here and there..skittled right on by.

Had a dolly of a LF cochin. Her name was Dolly. :D

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