Chick not growing feathers


Feb 25, 2018
Morrow, Ohio
This lavender orpington is not growing feathers and is really small. I've been giving it extra vitamins with a dropper since I noticed it was behind the others. That's been weeks and still nothing.... what can I do to help? It's about 4 weeks old. It's the one in the back.
I'm usually one to let nature take its course and let the weak die.... but a rat got into the brooder and killed most of the lavender orpington. This small one and one I'm sure is a rooster survived.... so here I am
Could be a runt (so it'll eventually catch up, just slower) or something like failure to thrive, where there's just something wrong with it and it won't make it no matter what you do. As long as it's eating and drinking and active, just have to cross your fingers and hope it eventually starts growing.
I have one that did the same thing. At 8 weeks it still doesn’t have all its feathers and a little puff of a tail. Still, it seems to keep up with all the others. Keep up with what you are doing and hopefully it will be fine.

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