Chick Not Growing


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
Hi all, I am new to BYC and new to raising chickens. I have 5 chicks about 2 weeks old and one of the chicks has barely grown while the others are allgrowing steadily. About a week ago the chick was laying on its back/side and stumbling around, I thought we would lose her. However she recovered and seems healthy now, except she still is not growing at all. I am wondering if its common for such delayed growth and if her survival is likely?
I have a silky that did not absorb the yolk 100% when she hatched. right now she is about the same size as when she hatched. she is in with 11 other chicks her age. she is sassy and has the biggest dick on her side. I honestly thought when she had she would not make it but she seems to be ruling the roost as tiny as she is and I hope she continues to do well she is such a little sweetheart. she is also a solid white silky out of all the other ones that look like they are going to be splash.

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