Chick Order Dreaming

...I am looking at getting a leghorn assortment. I want to improve my egg laying. ...

This will be some combination of the white leghorn, the brown leghorn, black leghorn, the buff, the red, barred, exchequer, and mille flour leghorn for $2.25 a piece, and that includes shipping. ...
Mrs K
I assumed all leghorns would improve egg laying. I've found differently in both research and my own. It seems pretty consistent in all hatchery descriptions and elsewhere that only the white leghorns (or essentially strains of white - like California Grays) will improve egg laying. Assuming you consider more and/or bigger eggs in the first couple of years to be an improvement.

My brown leghorns lay both smaller and fewer eggs than the australorps and started laying later. They also stopped laying due to natural winter light the winter before the australorps did.

I would get them again, I like them. But if your main goal is improved laying, you might look into this further.
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