Chick pics!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Pics of the survivor chicks - at last! As said in another post, I recieved 29 chicks on Tuesday, but only 8 have survived thus far. Happily, they're healthy now! These pics are from yesterday, so there is one non-survivor in the group - I've put a pink dot on her. *lol* I have not identified any of these, as they were part of an assortment that could include any and all chicks, except bantams. I do know that the big gray one with the somewhat yellow face is going to have feathered feet! I believe the stripey brown ones are brown leghorns of some sort. I ordered one rose comb brown leghorn, but I'm not real sure if she made it, or if these are both rose combs, or if I'm even right on the guess.

All eight (well, nine) - except for the one whose head isn't in the picture:


Also, closeups of a couple! First, some orange chicks. No idea what they are.


And a really intriguing chickie that's pure black - really curious as to what this one is!


The smaller pale yellow chick is friendly and will come to me when called (though not so much today... I traumatized them - shame on me, by stepping in the brooder to clean it!)
And a really intriguing chickie that's pure black - really curious as to what this one is!

What color are the bottom of its feet? Black? Yellow?​
keljonma - the chick's feet are black on the bottom as well! She's a real skittish girl - hard to catch her to find out! *laugh* One drawback to a kiddie pool brooder - not too easy to catch them in!
Okay, she's not a Jersey Giant. Maybe a Black Australorp? Chicks are black with a good deal of white in the underparts and small white patches around the head and wings.

I know what you mean.... just like any kid, it's hard to get them outa the pool.
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I would guess Black Australorp too. If so you got lucky. They are very nice.

The orange ones look like Buff Orpingtons or perhaps buff Rocks. Either way they are also great birds.

What happened to cause you to lose so many chicks? I hope the hatchery is working with you to make good on that. I would be very bummed.

I bought a huge batch a couple years ago and when I was putting them in the brooder pen I accidentally stepped on a baby buff orp just like the ones in your pic. I was SOOO mad at myself! Never lost more than maybe 1% to anything besides stupidity and dogs though...

I hope the rest of your flock does better. I am almost positive you have at least a couple colored leghorns in that bunch! Enjoy!
Unfortunately, only 13 of the chicks arrived alive, and several of those struggled to keep up but just couldn't make it. *shakes head* I suspect an Easter weekend delay plus cold weather did them in. Either way, it was pretty devastating.

The hatchery IS making good on it - or trying. They're shipping new chicks today, and hopefully they'll arrive in much better condition on Monday or Tuesday! (Hopefully Monday...)

In the meantime, I'm trying to get these babies to love me - but mostly, they're terrified and stay at the far end of the pool where it's incredibly hard to catch them. *lol* I've been going the 'terrify them into my arms' route by using some cardboard to extend my reach and sweep them around toward me while they run and flee. It's, uh, as you can imagine, not working too well on the "make them love me" bit. *lol*

Thanks for the attempts to ID them! I do hope the gold ones are buff orpingtons - they're such pretty birds. And I hope I get some more interesting peeps in a couple days!

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