Chick pictures - can we tell what gender these are yet? - Been a couple weeks...New pics post 9 :)

OK - now we're in our seventh week. Would like to officially name these chicks with girl names. Do we think they're still pullets? Anything that causes doubt?

They're still very similar, with one having more light feathers on her* neck and chest than the other.

They went out in the sun yesterday and scratched around in our garden boxes...

Here's the dark one...

And this is the other one.

This is the first time the Momma hen (the BuffOrp) has let the chicks be in this close of company with the rest of the flock. She usually has kept them away, or run off the other chickens who come close. Yesterday, though, she let them mingle pretty close. They were still pretty cautious though. The Wyandotte (wearing the saddle) behind the BuffOrp is probably most certainly the "birth mother" of both of these chicks, but she has no idea of course. The BuffOrp has been such a good momma. :) They're pecking at some egg shell we scattered in the garden.

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