Chick sexing project

Hi All,

We have started a project to assemble collections of photos to help people trying to sex their chicks. What we are aiming for, for each breed included in this project, is a collection of photos showing chicks of both genders at as wide a variety of ages as possible, up to an age where differences between male and female are obvious. Such a resource will allow people to see at a glance how old their chicks should be before they have a go at discriminating males from females. For most breeds, it should be possible to use such a collection of photos to either confirm or dismiss previously suggested diagnostic features, and it may even be possible to identify new features to help pick out birds of one gender or the other.

The most valuable photos will be those that show the same chicks at a variety of different ages, ranging from before to after their gender is apparent from the photos. Moreover, these photos should clearly show those features that are most useful for discriminating the gender of the relevant breed. Such series of photos are not nearly as easy to find on the internet as one might think! If you already have such a series of photos that you'd be willing to share, that's great. If you don't, but are currently (or shortly to be) raising chicks, please consider taking regular photos of them as they grow older, until they are old enough that their gender is clear. If you have a run of more than one chick of a particular breed, such a series of photos could be particularly useful, but of course you should make sure that the identity of individual chicks can be tracked through the series. In many cases this will be possible due to individual markings of the chicks, but if the chicks are sufficiently similar it may be useful to mark them yourself in some way (e.g. by loosely tying coloured ribbon or thread around their legs), or by putting a spot of waterproof marker pen on their beak.

Anyone interested in contributing to this project should get in touch with me. Together with Rob (aka Nifty-Chicken) I have set up a very rudimentary prototype showing roughly what form the resource could take (for just a couple of breeds) here:

I'm tinkering away with this, but Rob and I are hoping that soon this project will get to a point where it will be possible for contributors to add photos themselves. However, we're not quite there yet, and until then, it would be really helpful if you could make yourselves (and the breeds you are interested in) known to us (so we can contact you when the resource is ready) and start assembling series of photos of chicks of known age and (initially) unknown genders. Also, spread the word the more people contribute to this resource the more helpful it will be. The breeds that we cover will be determined by the breeds that people show an interest in, but basically any breed that can't be sexed straight after hatching would be suitable for inclusion.

Thanks in advance for your interest!

I’ve got 2 new buff Burma’s that I just got. Not sure if their boys or girls yet. Would you like me to post pictures of them?
When do Easter eggers start looking like roo’s? I know it can be tricky with their little combs. Any way to tell on these 7.5 Easter eggers?


Hello can I also ask what do you think of my chicks gender? I have three chicks who hatched 21-22. 07 I don't know exactly which breed they are because I have mixed flock but they are hybrids for sure. I have red barred rooster (breed not known), and one chick's mother is red copper marans. One might be RIR, and one buff.

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All three of them

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Half copper marans I think (but don't have much after it's mother) - Amethyst. Small comb, yellow collored, almost no tail feathers, no sign of wattles yet.


This one - Opal - might be a cockerel? He/she have big and pink comb, visible, tiny wattles, big and long tail, but it's saddle feathers are round like hen's and when I try to look at Opal's wings when he/she was one day old, it's wings looks like hen's wings (longer and shorter feathers) But now i have no idea. It grow fastest and is day old younger than her/his siblings.



Saddly I don't have any new photos of third and smallest (and oldest chick by the way) which we can see in the back, on the left. He/she is so vivid I can't shot any photo but Nephrite (as i name it) has small, sharp comb, thin, green legs, tiny tail feathers, and round body. First one is Nephrite on my friend's legs

Their father DSC_0452.JPG (now he has bigger tail and huge comb)


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Well, opal is probably young rooster. He start to try fighting with others, who are not interested in fighting at all (well Nephrite sometimes try it too but not too much, and Amethyst run away) Opal's comb start to be bright pink and wattles are bigger and longer, also pink. He is first to eat, and first in everything so...opal is probably a boy. Well, I hope nephrite and Amethyst are girls :(
Well, opal is probably young rooster. He start to try fighting with others, who are not interested in fighting at all (well Nephrite sometimes try it too but not too much, and Amethyst run away) Opal's comb start to be bright pink and wattles are bigger and longer, also pink. He is first to eat, and first in everything so...opal is probably a boy. Well, I hope nephrite and Amethyst are girls :(
Opal is a cockerel.
Can't see Nephrite very well, but Amethyst is a pullet, and I'm confident Nephrite is too.
Good names, btw.
Thank you and I hope those two are pullets because i can have twoo roosters but more I have to give somewhere to the zoo or some asylum because I don't like idea of culling cockerels :(
I can usually tell pretty early by their temperament and what I call the poke test. If you poke him/her and she stands her ground like ''wtf you doin bro'' and starts doin the rooster dance, then generally in my experience, its a boy. Sometimes this can just be a play behaviour but if its done multiple times consistently, its usually a good way to tell. The girls will usually either not understand why you're poking them, not care much at all or just walk away.
Hi all,

Wondering if you can help me out in figuring out if this Ameraucana/Easter egger (at least that's what they said in the store) is a hen or rooster? 21 weeks old. Thanks in advance


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