Chick sexing project

yes you are right , i appreciate your reply thankyou, now i am sure they are boys ,now i have to find a home for one of them and get me a girl for the other one
good luck! They are very pretty, It shouldnt be to hard!
This is en excellent concept. I was thinking of the same thing yesterday as I was at the feed store, trying to sort through Internet pictures on my iPhone to affirm breed and gender of the chicks I was looking at. I bought a WC Black Polish and a Nankin.

I'm starting a chick-to-adult photo album for both of my new birds to contribute to the project.
Cant wait for the Silkie portion of your project to get going. I'm watching wk to wk on 3 new chicks just because of the color pattenrs but will be interesting to see how they turn out too. Watch for updates each week

Chick #1 Silkie Partridge 1day old

chick #2 Partridge Silkie 1day old

chick #3 partrdge silkie 1day old

chick #1 @ 1wk old partridge silkie

chick #2 @1wk old partridge silkie

chick #3 @1wk old this one is exciting ,looking more splash now ...hmmm

chick #1 @ 5 wks

chick #2 @ 5 wks

chick# 3@ 5wks

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I'm very excited about this forum because in the case of Silkie bantams it hard to sex them . Most of the time you just have to wait until they are about 4 months and either crow or lay the egg. Plus it will be interesting to see the progess of all the babies into adults. Thanks for a great place to chill out and watch
Hey I have some pics of a baby female white cochin, a black cochin and a few RIRs(also female) if it would be helpful to submit those I will.

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