Chick sexing project

wondering what sex these four might be? what do you think?

Hi there! If you include the chicks' age and breed, it will really help us to determine gender. Also, I believe that this thread was made to help the thread starter document changes during growth according to gender in chicks, so he's mostly looking for good pictures of chicks at various ages whose gender is known. If you post these on a thread of your own, you will probably get better help than with posting here.

But, I would say that the chick all the way to the right in the second picture is a rooster.
I have six black copper marans chicks I will be taking photos of, if you are interested in adding them to this project. They are a weeknold today. I was not able to get them until past the day old stage unfortunately .
Hi everybody. Can you please help me sexing these silkie chicks aged 3weeks?
chick 1.
chick 2.
chick 3.
chick 4.
chick 5.
Oustanding! :waves: I am also in the East Bay Area. I have a two week old Blommehons (Swedish Flower Hen) chick. A friend who goes by feather pattern in the wings, think it's a cockerel. Looking at the vent, I think it's a pullet. I should know more in about three or four weeks, I think!
I am just getting into chickens. I got 8 RIR last week. They are now 11 days old. Their wings are growing and all but two are getting nice tail feathers along with the wings. They have just started getting their combs, however the two that I mentioned have smaller combs than the others. They are all supposed to be pullets. I tried to get a picture of the two but could only get one of them. Can anyone tell from this picture if I have a Roo or a pullet?
Hi everyone, I am a new chicken owner and am positive about my other girls being hens but I have ONE in question that might be a Roo. Out of my flock I have 10, different breeds and colors. I have 3 black Australorps, and one of them seems a little different than the other two. I'm thinking she might be a HE! Any opinions are greatly appreciated The first pic shows the chicken in question next to one of my other australorps and my barred rock girl. The rest of the pics are close ups of the chicken in question. They are all about 8 weeks old.


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I currently have six cuckoo maran chicks. Here is three that i believe to be pullets. They're two weeks old. Displayed in the same order in both group photo and individual photos.
Anyone agree with my guess?

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