chick shoes

My chick's toes and feet are so crooked that they curl back up under the tape.
Just discovered something that I think is going to work great. I tried the vet tape, it wouldn't stay on, and I thought duck tape may be too hard to get off.
Soooooo, I tried the Glad press and seal for covering dishes!
Works great! Flexable and still holds the toes in place!
I had a chick with curled toes and made little cardboard boots (hence her name is Boots).  I made her wear them for a week, I had to make a new pair every couple days as her feet were growing and they helped her toes some.  She still has crooked toes but not as bad as they would have been.  I traced her foot on the cardboard and then cut it out.  I used strips of paper/guaze tape to wrap each toe to hold it in place.  I tried the duck foot bandaid methed too but it didn't work as well for me.  You can substitute the sticky parts of bandaids for the paper tape.




I definately need to do this for my chick.
[qname="Larkin" url="/t/471771/chick-shoes/10#post_6048416"]That's got to be embarrassing for the chicks to go to the watering jar!/img/smilies/wink.png
Hey at least it's better than being pigeon toed.
When my bantam chick had crooked toes, I cut a straw into very small sections. I also cut the straw the long way in order to make a proper fit for her tiny toes.
Each toe was incased in a straw portion and then taped with a band aid on the top and bottom after the toes were aligned comfortably.
I have a photo somewhere, she looked as though she was wearing sandals, it was very cute. I'll try and find the picture.
Sadly she died (she was in rough shape), but her toes were healing up nicely.

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