"Chick Snuggling Pouch"? How to keep young chicks warm while socializing?


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Rockford MI
My Coop
My Coop
So I should have known better than to google "chick snuggling pouch". I was wondering if any of you have come up with some sort of cozy container/pouch to cart about newish chicks in to keep them warm enough. I hate waiting to handle them until they don't mind our 72 degree air conditioned house. It seems by then they are already fearful of me, but right away they are so trusting. I was thinking of making some sort of fleece pouch to put them in. Babywearing has a pretty big following, maybe I can start a chickenwearing movement haha.
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Unless you are going to be carrying them around all the time they will be fine away from the heat at times. Hold them against your chest and fold your hand around them, that will be fine and they will enjoy it too. In nature broody mommas don't sit on the chicks to keep them warm 24/7, regardless of the temperature. I've seen my broodies in winter out and about with the chicks. Every now and then they'd squat and all the chicks would dive under them for a quick warm-up before running around again and it was quite a bit cooler than 72* outside. They are tough little things! Just don't let them get too cold for too long.

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