Chick stabs herself below beak with toe.


8 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Long Island, NY
Have a chick/pullet that, starting around week 3, panics when picked up and stabs herself on the underside of her beak.

Yes, she sometimes breaks the skin. Barely a drop of blood at worst.

The first few times, I chalked up to being accidental/poor body sense, and jokingly told her not to give herself a tracheotomy. We've tried to be more careful picking her up, preventing her from moving her legs that way. We're not always successful, even using 2 hands. She's almost 6 weeks old.

Has anyone else had a chick repeatedly self harming in panic?

Please tell me she'll outgrow this.
I'm thinking of trying an emery board.
That's not a bad idea, just dull down the sharp point.

I don't think I'd call it 'self harming'...she's just flailing her legs and that's where her feet end up.

Try picking her up by sliding your hand, palm side up, under her from the front so her legs are in between your fingers.
There was great thread recently with a video that showed it very well, but I can't find it.

ETA: Found it!
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