Chick Starter Feed

They look like they are about 4 weeks old, and the one with the red is a roo.

As for feed amounts, are they waisting a lot by billing it out? They won't over eat and I give mine free choice feed.

I went though 50 lbs in 6 weeks with 16 leghorn chicks. However... leghorns are small, and bred for efficiency, and I free range them in tractors so they do eat less. 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks for just 4 birds sounds a bit high to me.
OH NO! Are you sure it's a rooster? I can't keep roosters.

I'm going to have to pick up a few more chicks. I need at least 4 laying hens. I'd like to have 6. I suppose I'll have to set up another brooder.

I don't know if their billing it out, but I think I'm going to have to look more carefully.

Thank you so much. My friends keep telling me I won't know if it's a rooster until it's older, but I keep watching the red color come in and had a sense "she" is a "he".
I'm in agreement with silkiechicken and that is definately a roo. The girls' combs won't get that red until they're getting ready to lay eggs.

Those pics show 4 week olds...they are maturing well. My NHR which is a breed that is part RIR matured very fast...this is her at about 4 1/2 weeks


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