Chick TV on the Bator Channel-Mystery Egg Watch (SAD NEWS)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
The 21st day is ending and no pips yet. DH rigged up the video camera to the bator in a hole he cut, but plugged up and didn't use for the turner after all (too low). Here it is:


Today, DH decided to candle since we hadn't seen any movement from the egg. The peep had expired sometime just after Day 18 or 19. We dont know why, just are very sad. At least she had a chance to live that she didn't have in a school trash can. It was NOT a Salmon Faverolle. It was black, I think a Cochin. Thanks to all of you for sitting watch with me.
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OMG that is too cute!!! What a handy hubby!

LOL too bad he couldn't live-stream it for us! It would be like the Truman Show of chickens!! LOL!

C'mon little egg! We're all waiting for you!
That's really very clever!

I like the live-stream idea, too...imagine all of us sitting in front of the computers, watching an egg...

Ah..the suspense....
C'mon little chickie!!! I'm sending energy your way... you vill do vhat I say... you're beginning to feel sleepy, sleepy--er, I mean, pippy, pippy...

I'm not sure I'm gonna make it here!! I feel like Fred Sanford know the show from the 70's with Redd Foxx, he and his son ran the junk yard ......Sanford and Son (!)......."This is the big one, Elizabeth, I'm comin'!!"

I just aged myself, didn't I?? Oiy vay.......
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Oh speckledhen...I'm so sorry. I know how excited you were. What a shame. But your right, it had much more of a fighting chance with you then sitting cold in a dumpster. Sometimes nature just takes a different turn for whatever reason.
You have to think that perhaps maybe it just had some sort of "birth" defect and nature being merciful sometimes, took over so it wouldn't have to live being sick.
My condolences to you.

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