Chick unable to stand


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Texas A&M
I just hatched out a group of Marans, and had a few problems. One chick appeared to be stuck in the egg (I have had his happen with Marans before, the membrane dried and was unable to be broken), so we helped him out. He is very lively and loud, however he can not stand. He thrashes his legs around, and sort of scoots around the incubator on his side (always the right side). Everything about him looks healthy and alert, except he can't walk. I ste him up and he wobbles a little bit then falls on his right side. Is there anything we could do to help him? Has anyone had this happen before? I would hate to end the life of this seemingly happy chick just because it is unable to walk.

P.S. He is 2.5 days old now, but he exited the egg a day early.

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