Chick under mama still not hatched! Should I help???


Jan 2, 2017
She had 11 eggs. Eight hatched Tuesday day morning time whilst I was at work. One died or was trampled. Three eggs remain. Mama is still on the eggs but gets off to show chicks where food and water is. Wednesday morning I went to remove eggs but one wiggled so put them back. Later saw it had pipped. Today, Thursday, no change on pipped egg. Still a hole with little beak. Still alive. But wondering if it's starting to take too long?? Mama is still sitting most of the time so I guess she hasn't given up?? Think the other two eggs might be duds as can't feel movement. All the eggs felt room temp this morn when mama got off.

Do I just let nature take its course? When should I try to help if I do? I could put it in incubater with higher humidity and if it hatches try to sneak it back to mama once it's dry and fluffy??
Got home from work just now and it's dead! Still in the egg, no progress on the hole it pipped. Such a shame as we are told not to interfere too early but when they die you think could you have saved it if helped it sooner?
I think the female can't sit on the eggs left so good now she's got chicks under her.. she sits but not as flat and wide as before and the egg is very dried out inside so probably a drop in humidity once her main batch hatched.

There's two eggs left! No signs of life so am going to water test and candle them. If they are still viable I'm definitely incubating them myself! I think mama has her hands... er.. wings.. full with the chicks and be better she concentrates on them now!
Candle test reveals one of the eggs is definitely a dud. Very clear see through. The other is dark with just about make out glow from air sac but no movements or anything. Both float high in glass of water. Think it's time to call it!

And yes, got seven lovely chicks out of eleven chirping and eating and doing well!

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