chick w/ dirty prolapsed vent??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
I have a week old banty chick that keeps having feces stuck on her bottom. We've run into that before, and just clean the area with a warm paper towel, but while doing so, it seems as though her vent sticks out. I'm not sure if it's just swollen because she's having the problem eliminating, or if it's a bigger problem. Any advice? Anything we should be doing differently? She seems to be doing fine, other wise. She's as active as the other two her same age, and appears to be eatting and drinking just fine. TIA!
I had the same thing happen to some chicks that I had gotten through the mail. I used Tucks medicated hemorrhoid pads to gently clean the area 3-4 times a day. If the chick will tolerate it, apply a pad to the area and hold it there for a few minutes. You may need to separate the chick if the others start to peck at the area. Best of luck to you!

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