Chick Waterer


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 21, 2013
Mtn. View, Arkansas
We put our chicks outside at 1 week, they are now 3 weeks old and a problem we had was the waterer would get dirty and clogged. Our solution was to use a catfood can. It is attached to the coop frame with a drywall screw. Now the water stays clean and is easy to refill through the chicken wire. I'm sure someone has mentioned this before since it's so easy but I thought I'd add it anyway.


Update to the cleanliness of the chick waterer, one of our chicks (Sweety) found they make an excellent foot bath. Even so, it stays much cleaner than the traditional chick waterer.

How many chicks do you have?  Seems pretty small for a water dish.

My sediments exactly... You average hen drinks up to 500ml a day, up to twice that amount in hot weather...

Sure chicks drink less, but even my eighteen current week old chicks are drinking about a liter a day, averaging out to about 55ml per chick per day and they are only a week old... Your average cat food can is only 150ml give or take, that is hardly enough water for even one growing chicken IMO, unless it's filled multiple times all day long...

IMO horizontal nipples are the way to go...
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