chick with smelly breath - crop issue?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
We have a 3 week old barred rock chick whose breath smells like fake crab meat, kind of sweet and fishy. She seems normal otherwise, except for little sneezes every few minutes. No one else smells.

We had bracelet rubber bands around their ankles for ID, and then noticed that one fell off and disappeared. (Rubber bands were around their legs twice, then when they grew we put them around once and they were too loose I guess. Stupid, but we really wanted to be able to tell them apart.) We were hoping that it disappeared when they were outside, but perhaps this one ate it? Would chicks be able to eat a rubber band?

I tried to feel for a crop, but I couldn't feel anything.

Should I try vinegar or coconut oil or something to move things along? Or if there's a rubber band in there do I try to make her throw it up? Or wait for symptoms to worsen?

They get chick crumbles, chick grit, probiotics mix in their water every 3rd day, and a few dandelion leaves broken into bits as treats.
They will eat rubber bands. I had a chicken who ate my pink hair tie that was triple braided. If that is the case, don’t worry. Their digestive systems are extremely strong and have some serious acids in them. I also have a few chickens whose breath always smells like fish. The sneezing part... I’m not sure.
Thank you! That is reassuring. She still is eating and pooping and hopping all over so hopefully she just has stinky breath. She now hates me since I forced her beak open so I could look in her mouth.

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