chick with splayed leg.


12 Years
Apr 3, 2011
San Diego
Only the right leg is this way. Out to the side but he can walk around. I tried the bandaid but it seemed to stress him out so much that I took it off. He kept falling over and not eating or drinking. What happens if I do nothing?
If you don't splint it, it's not going to get better and it might get worse. His leg will harden and form that way and there'll be no way to fix it. You'll have to splint it, even if he doesn't like it, or he'll be crippled his whole life. He'll be better off if you do it - a little annoyance now for a lifetime of being able to walk correctly and get around.
If I splint should I separate this chick? He is just getting trampled. He is 1 week old and I just noticed the problem. He is in with 4 other brooder mates. Pine shavings underfoot and some mesh to keep them from getting feed and water too messy.
I'm trying the rubber band. Since I had taped the chick's legs together and he is a feathered legged chick I left the tape around it's legs and used a regular rubber band. Made a figure 8 with some tape. It does seem happier and better able to get around. I really hope this works.
That rubber band thing is a good idea! How is the little guy doing now? Do his legs look any better?
I just put the band on about 20 minutes ago. I'll no better tomorrow. He is walking around better and eating and drinking. Breathing better too and less stressed out.

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