Chicken Accessories


That's what they said about a lot of those gadgets that make millions.....

I think instead of a bed ( Although my Diva Silkie Sophie would like one) a personalized nest box, something pretty and perhaps bird house shaped or things to that affect.
Perhaps chicken birdseed toys, things that keep pet chickens occupied etc.....

That's what they said about a lot of those gadgets that make millions.....

I think instead of a bed ( Although my Diva Silkie Sophie would like one) a personalized nest box, something pretty and perhaps bird house shaped or things to that affect.
Perhaps chicken birdseed toys, things that keep pet chickens occupied etc.....

A fool and their money are soon parted.

if more people did not buy stupid gadgets or chicken clothes etc. they might be able to afford their mortgages...

A chicken has a brain the size of a marble--how much entertainment do you think they need?

Of course opening up a chicken clothing store in this economy wouldn't be advised
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That's what they said about a lot of those gadgets that make millions.....

I think instead of a bed ( Although my Diva Silkie Sophie would like one) a personalized nest box, something pretty and perhaps bird house shaped or things to that affect.
Perhaps chicken birdseed toys, things that keep pet chickens occupied etc.....

A fool and their money are soon parted.

if more people did not buy stupid gadgets or chicken clothes etc. they might be able to afford their mortgages...

A chicken has a brain the size of a marble--how much entertainment do you think they need?

Of course opening up a chicken clothing store in this economy wouldn't be advised

I find you lol worthy.

moving on... I think someone a while back made costumes for chickens didn't they? Sorta like a saddle but more elaborate. This next fourth of July I want to enter a few ducks into the poultry fashion show here on the island, I will certainly be looking up the duck seamstress.

There are birdseed toys, I've seen them advertised around here before also, but again, can't remember who. I think it was a company actually.

Personalized nest boxes would be awesome if your chicken uses the same one all the time!
I bought the paint and the little brushes to do just this except for one small problem-how do you jam all of their names on the only 2(out of 10) nest boxes that they use?

Chickenzoo, I LOVE the pics of Sophie in her little outfits.

Guess I don't really see the necessity of patronizing others for getting a little joy out of spoiling our feathered buddies with their "brains the size of marbles".
I think it's because Non-Chicken people just don't understand how attached you become to your chickens and how much fun it is to have them... Until you own them (and/or have raised them as babies in the kiddie pool broader in your bathroom for 6 weeks), I just don't think they'll get it (but of course they'll always accept free eggs). Well, I'd rathar be a "crazy chicken lady" then a "crazy cat lady" any day!
I bought the paint and the little brushes to do just this except for one small problem-how do you jam all of their names on the only 2(out of 10) nest boxes that they use?

That made me smile... I could totally see it

Chickenzoo, I LOVE the pics of Sophie in her little outfits.

Guess I don't really see the necessity of patronizing others for getting a little joy out of spoiling our feathered buddies with their "brains the size of marbles".

There's always someone who tries to suck happiness from the air.
Its because Chickens are traditionally a 'livestock' animal meant to provide food and sustenance for humans, not entertainment and companionship. They haven't been kept as pets until very recently, and I'd venture to say only within the last 10 years. The stigma of chickens being very dirty animals, and 'yardbirds' still sticks around and is quite prominent. The more that people become familiar with them, and the more that they become common in suburban back yards, things will start to change. If you search, you can already find companies that are marketing specifically made housing created just for a pet chicken.

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