Chicken acting fine, but sounds hoarse


Sep 17, 2019
Nor. Cal
Hi all. Recently my Lavender Orpington started sounding a little off. No sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, or visible wounds. Acting completely normal; active, excited for food and water. She has been fluffing her head a little often. Below I'll post a picture and the links of the two videos I have of her sounding "normal" and "abnormal".

Screenshot_20200520-120053_Video Player.jpg

Normal; start at 0:35. Not a whole lot to hear, but enough for comparing.
Abnormal; whole video.

Now after watching those, doesn't she sound a bit different? I'm a little worried. I'm keeping an eye on her as I type this.

1) Lavender Orpington , 1 year. Idk her weight but she feels average for an Orp.
2) Totally normal behavior.
3) She's been making hoarse sounds a little over a week now, I think.
4) None of my other birds are exhibiting the same symptoms.
5) No bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
6) I'm really not sure what could've caused this. We got 2 chicks recently and they're quarantined. BUT they have explored inside the girls coop... The chicks thankfully don't seem sick. But I can't remember if my hen was making those hoarse sounds before or after the chicks got here.
7) Eating her regular Layena layer pellets, water, treats: banana and some kind of bird seed mix (no bad reactions to it.)
8) Poop is normal.
9) No treatment administered so far. Keeping an eye on her for strange behavior. Plan on checking her throat today for gape worm(?).
10 ) As far as treatment, I'd like to fix this myself. This doesn't seem like anything too drastic (as far as I know) that would call for a vet visit. Maybe something I can cure at home if all I need to do is buy chicken medicine (like those antibiotics.) So far this is not an emergency where I need a vet.
11) Videos and photo are provided above.
12) The coop houses 3 chickens and was cleaned out recently (all bedding changed and poop thrown out.) Bedding is a type of wood shaving, I think. "Red With The Best" is the brand.
Look inside her beak for canker or lesions, in the ears for infection and check her crop to make sure it's empty in the morning before she eats/drinks.

Could be the angle of the photo, but does her facial tissue look bit swollen - any bubbles in the eyes?
Look inside her beak for canker or lesions, in the ears for infection and check her crop to make sure it's empty in the morning before she eats/drinks.

Could be the angle of the photo, but does her facial tissue look bit swollen - any bubbles in the eyes?
So sorry for the late reply. I checked her crop today at 8pm. It felt pretty full. And I compared her crop with my other hen's... Digger has less of a "stones in crop" feel vs. Courage. I'll check Courage again in the morning. Do they usually bulk up on rocks before bed? Also, something else I noticed about Courage. Her eggs tend to be less smooth-feeling and more rough. Would that have something to do with her crop? She's also still making gargling noises... Do you think she could have a blockage in her crop? She's still acting normal... aside from puffing up when she's "talking".
Her eggs tend to be less smooth-feeling and more rough. Would that have something to do with her crop? She's also still making gargling noises... Do you think she could have a blockage in her crop? She's still acting normal... aside from puffing up when she's "talking".

How was her crop this morning?
Gurgling noises could be due to crop issues - possibly a blockage or slow crop - is she pooping? What's that like?
I wouldn't say a crop issue is causing rough egg shells, but the overall health of the hen affects egg quality.

Is her facial tissue swollen? Have you looked inside her beak?

She puffs up when she talks? Could she be going broody?

Photos of the eggs if you have them.

IF her crop is not empty, then use this article to help you figure out which type of crop issue she may have. Let us know what you find out.

Here's one about egg qualities. Sometimes a hen is very consistent in laying eggs that have bumps, etc. but if what you are finding is "new" then I would investigate.
How was her crop this morning?
Gurgling noises could be due to crop issues - possibly a blockage or slow crop - is she pooping? What's that like?
I wouldn't say a crop issue is causing rough egg shells, but the overall health of the hen affects egg quality.

Is her facial tissue swollen? Have you looked inside her beak?

She puffs up when she talks? Could she be going broody?

Photos of the eggs if you have them.

IF her crop is not empty, then use this article to help you figure out which type of crop issue she may have. Let us know what you find out.

Here's one about egg qualities. Sometimes a hen is very consistent in laying eggs that have bumps, etc. but if what you are finding is "new" then I would investigate.
This morning her crop is still full, but less "stone-y" feeling. Firm, but still gives a bit if I press on it. We keep food and water in the coop overnight though. Would that contribute to her full crop? The girls free range during the daytime and eat grass, bugs, dirt, rocks etc. They do snack a bit on bird seed mix that I want to cut down on.

Her poops are inconsistent I'd say. They can switch between runny poo and normal firm poo. One thing that never changes is that she has a BIG morning poop. Like... I call it her "egg poops" 'cause it can be the size of an egg. :eek:

I checked her face and inside of her beak. No swelling! No obstructions in the throat or discoloration in the mouth. Looks completely normal.

I'm not too sure if she's going broody. Her comb and wattles are a little paler compared to our roo and other hen. They're not as bright red as they could be? But yeah she was puffing her head yesterday when she was talking at me. She usually doesn't do that so I wanted to mention it lol!

If she lays before I go to work I'll definitely take a picture.

Also! Last night when I first felt Courage's crop, I checked Digger's too. Digger's crop feels totally normal. Like... not as firm as Courage's. While hers feels like there's a firm (yet squishy) ball inside? It's making me think Courage is impacted with grass or something. I've been considering trying the coconut oil and massage method I've seen people talking about in the health forums.
This morning her crop is still full, but less "stone-y" feeling. Firm, but still gives a bit if I press on it. We keep food and water in the coop overnight though. Would that contribute to her full crop?
I would take the food/water out for the night, then re-check her crop first thing.
If it still feels like it has food in there in the morning, then start treatment for crop issues.
The article linked previously is a very good place to start.
Hello all! This problem is officially SOLVED!!! I took out food and water overnight and checked Courage's crop first thing in the morning. WOW! I'm speculating that she was midnight-snacking and not letting her crop drain... This morning after NO night-snacking, her crop was EMPTY! No impacted feeling. Didn't feel like there was a ball in her crop anymore. And the funniest of all... While checking her crop, she made her goofy little honking noises! No hoarse gurgling sounds. :wee:woot:bun I am SO happy! Baby totally stressed me out, but I got to learn a lot from this experience, so it really pays off in the long run. Thank you everyone who sent me kind messages and suggestions!

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