chicken and ducks together


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
I never paid much attention to the threads in the duck forum about housing both together since I had only ducks. May add a few chickens (and a couple more ducks).

Plan was to build a large duck house to get 2 more ducks anyway, so before I start that project... how can I house the 2 of them together. Just at night. They would all free range during the day. Right now I just have 2 indian runners in a dog house (kit from lowes). I was going to build a new one about 3' x 6' for 4 ducks, but if I toss in a handful of chickens (mostly bantams), I'm looking at ideas on how to get them in the same building.
Do chickens need food/water at night?
I'm not opposed to having water available since it is hot here at night in the summer, but I don't have food out for the ducks in their night house (nor water right now).

If you house both together, I'd love to see pics of how you do that please :)
I have Muscovy's, mallards and chickens that all live in the same house. The chickens roost and the ducks have a bedded area on the floor. I don´t leave any food or water in the house but they can all get out when they like.
In the summer months i find the ducks prefer to sleep outside but in winter they sleep in.
Sometimes my geese join them too if the weather is really bad.
I haven´t had any problems at all and they even share the same nesting boxes.
Hope that helps a little, I don´t have any photos of it otherwise i would post one for you.
I have a friend that has ducks and he tells me that his one drake will kill any other male animal that comes in the pen. He learned that after I gave him some pheasants that I hatched, the drake killed all the roosters, and didn't touch the hens.
Wow, that's quite extreme. I have always mixed and never had any problems at all. Poor pheasants killed for being male. lol
On a plus note as least he now knows and won´t try to put and other males in. ( he better watch is back too being that he is male

I have a friend that has ducks and he tells me that his one drake will kill any other male animal that comes in the pen. He learned that after I gave him some pheasants that I hatched, the drake killed all the roosters, and didn't touch the hens.
Wow, that's quite extreme. I have always mixed and never had any problems at all. Poor pheasants killed for being male. lol
On a plus note as least he now knows and won´t try to put and other males in. ( he better watch is back too being that he is male

He feeds them he doesn't have to watch his back.
i probably wouldn't put bantams in with the duck flock maybe some hardy english breads

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