Chicken attacked!


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2015
This is one of my chickens that was attacked by our dog. I allow my chickens to free range during the day and lock them up at night. The past two nights this hen didn't come in. Both days I went out looking for her and didn't find any sign, then when I went back out there today I seen her in the dog cage laying there barely moving. I went in and got her and put her in a separate cage in the chicken coop. I gave her food and water but she isn't eating or drinking as she may be in shock. I'm not sure how long she was in there, but apparently she flew in there thinking maybe it was the chicken run, not sure. Is there anything I can do to help her, put on her back, or anything?

Is her back cut? Can't tell by photo. If so Epson salt bath / soak for 20 mins few times a day. Then use bluekote on her cuts. Warning it will stain everything! Try offering her a treat like bread or hard boiled eggs? Try to get her to eat and drink. Depending on how long she hasn't drank you may want to use a syringe to give her a little fluid. ? Be careful not to get it in her lungs. Let her swollow the water. You can put Pedia sure, Gatorade or save a chick electrolytes in her water from tractor supply to help keep her hydrated. I'd consider training or fencing to keep the dog from doing this again. Good luck!
She has a few cuts in her back. Nothing terrible. The dog is in a kennel which is six feet tall and the hen flew over it. That's the only way she could have got in there.

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