Chicken breathing heavily but in good health

Sep 16, 2021
San Ramon, CA
my hen's been breathing really heavily for a while now, kind of like a wheezy breath but there's nothing else wrong with her, she eats, drinks, moves around perfectly fine. I'm not sure what's wrong with her

(video of breathing)
my hen's been breathing really heavily for a while now, kind of like a wheezy breath but there's nothing else wrong with her, she eats, drinks, moves around perfectly fine. I'm not sure what's wrong with her

(video of breathing)
Do you notice any discharge in her nose or mouth, bubbles anywhere? Is her comb blue or purple? Is her poop fine?

Check the inside of her mouth for any abnormalities.
If you don't see any symptoms except her breathing don't worry too much, I'd say. If you have a vet that specializes in hens they can maybe figure it out.

Around how heavy is she/what breed is she? If she is a bigger hen they can sometimes breathe more heavily. My buff cochin breathes heavily, but without the sound. Especially when she gets exercise.
Do you notice any discharge in her nose or mouth, bubbles anywhere? Is her comb blue or purple? Is her poop fine?

Check the inside of her mouth for any abnormalities.
If you don't see any symptoms except her breathing don't worry too much, I'd say. If you have a vet that specializes in hens they can maybe figure it out.

Around how heavy is she/what breed is she? If she is a bigger hen they can sometimes breathe more heavily. My buff cochin breathes heavily, but without the sound. Especially when she gets exercise.
No discharge, her comb is fine and so is her poop.

She's a Delaware and she's around 6 pounds, my heaviest chicken.

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