Chicken breathing through mouth. Not eating.


In the Brooder
Jan 18, 2018
Chick 70 days old. Has clear discharge. Looks weak. Breathes though mouth. Reason: gave chilled rice :( I saw a feather in the coop too. Possibly this chick might be bullied. I have only 3 chicks totally- one rooster 2girls.

Cleaned the coop today. I'm keeping this sick chick alone now in my room inside a small cage. (But she does feel like it wants to go outside.) And gave slightly heated pack, tulsi leaves, Feed, electrolyte and I am so worried about it. What should I do?
Has clear discharge from where—the eyes, nostrils, or vent? Does he have any diarrhea? At this age he could be weak from possible coccidiosis, but it sounds like he could be sick from a respiratory disease, such as infectious bronchitis or MG. They can cause clear nasal discharge, sneezing, and gasping with an open beak. Does he sneeze? I would continue to keep him warm, encourage him to drink water, and you can encourage eating with wet chicken feed. Most respiratory diseases will last a month or more. MG can be treated with Tylan 50 injectable given orally. Dosage is 1/4 ml twice a day for 5 days.
She has clear discharge from nostrils and she shakes her head sometimes for it to go out quickly. She once pooped a bit watery, after that it looked normal and firm. She sneezes very rarely. Yes she did gasp like that and she always has discharge from beaks too. How to give tylan 50? I live in India, so..most of the medicines available there might not be available here. So can I know what are the other medicines that can be given? And where can I get this medicine?
I gave her boiled garlic and it's water with boiled moringa in turmeric powder. She ate up the whole garlic and heated rice. Hoping she might survive. She is not chirping now. May be it's because she knows she is alone. Will update u with her improvement tomorrow morning.
If he was with the other 2 chicks up until now, they have all been exposed, so no need to keep him separated from the other 2 unless they are keeping him from food or hurting him.
In India, you may need to find a vet or look for tylosin, tiamulin, oxytetracyline, or a sulfa antibiotic. Tylosin is equal to Tylan, but the others may also be used for treatment of mycoplasma (MG.)
The other chicks look normal and active. I think they bully this chick too, as I found a large feather in the coop. Today this chick is not doing that well as yesterday. She is sitting down more than before. Thank you sir, I'll find those medicines and try it out.

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