Chicken Breed Focus - Faverolles

Where can I get some of these?!
I'm nearly 100% sure you could buy some from Murray McMurray Hatchery.
However, you'd have to get a bunch if they were to ship them.
Adding a disclaimer :). My birds are the Australian branch of the family so may not reflect the breed in the U.S. Was kinda cool to see our colonel featured up the top there :)

We have three from a breeder and they are definitely my favourites personality wise. We got them at 11 weeks old and they had never been handled or had more human contact than having food and water changed in a grow out pen but it only took a week of determined effort and they were eating out of our hands and sitting on knees.

We have one which is everyone's favourite that helps you garden (ie sits on spade when you try to dig) and stands each morning waiting for her personal handful of scratch mix while the others run off after the thrown stuff. She just likes being with you (she is the one on the knee and arm in the baby photos). But the other two are also very quiet and can be picked up easily.

I have found they tend to be more susceptible to breathing issues such as reacting to dust or the dust from wood shavings.

They aren't the greatest layers, I probably average 3 eggs a week when they are laying well and can go all winter with none. They also go broody quite easily, normally it seems as soon as they get back up to 3 eggs a week sigh lol. Our eggs are on the smaller side with mine laying around a 55g egg in their second year, I'm hoping they might hit 60g when they start laying again in the spring.

I would recommend them 100% if you are after pets and eggs are a bonus but not if eggs are your first priority. As much as I love them I'm starting to increase my flock with australorps just so we get a more regular egg supply. They are a must have as part of a family with kids backyard flock for friendliness though.



The black in the beard is dirt btw, it molted clean again :)




And their baby photos. We had had them about two weeks here. Their muffs and tails had been plucked by the other breed in the grow out pen with them.


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@appps thanks for sharing your photos and experience with us. You have some beautiful birds!
I got my first Faverolles about 6 or 7 years ago. It took a long time to locate a breeder with them. I began with LF salmons and for a while added bantam blue, black and white. Now I just concentrate on LF.

They are still my favorites, with their easygoing personalities and striking contrast between the genders. They are difficult to breed well though. If one wants to go in that direction start with the best stock you can find.

Here are some pictures of birds I have had.

Baby salmons with one lone bantam white.


LF salmons






LF blue cockerel and bantams






And bantam splash salmons



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I have kind of a silly question for any salmon breeders. Can you breed salmons with other breeds? I'm curious because they have five toes and if that would give them a birth defect or something?

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