Chicken Breed Focus - Faverolles

I had always heard that the breed was developed, or at least became very popular for the purpose of using the rooster's back skin in a fly tying kit. The diversity of color gave a lot of color options, particularly the pinkish hues that are hard to find in natural material. They would of course not be alone in being bred for making fishing lures, the genetic hackle birds being more recent.
This thread hasn't been touched in over a year, so I'm waking it up! We are starting our chicken ownership with 4 fav chicks and 4 australorps. I fell in love with the descriptions of faverolles personalities and their fluffiness, the australorps were added in for egg production and because I'd heard they were more laid back so less likely to pick on the faverolles girls 😉 They are just hatchery birds, ordered through our local feed store, but at 5 weeks old I am already in love!! They talk quite a bit when I pick them up for brooder cleaning or for field trips outside, but they are also the first to come up and say hello 💕 I tried not to pick favorites, but my lightest faverolles, Acorn, is making it tough. She is the first to come say hello every time I visit and hops up in my lap when I sit with them. Pumpkin, our darkest girl, seems to gravitate towards my 2.5 year old, and Patty Pan, our "runt", is always making a big fuss over human interaction, but still wants to be involved in everything we do. These girls are full of personality, I'm just swooning!! Pictured is Acorn, of course 🥰
Awww!: Aren't they just the sweetest things?
You haven't seen anything yet though, you just wait lol!
Those girls will talk your ears off, yours are just warming up too!
And don't worry about them being picked on, they're really something to see when they are in a pack.
Oh, you are going to have so much fun! :)
This thread hasn't been touched in over a year, so I'm waking it up! We are starting our chicken ownership with 4 fav chicks and 4 australorps. I fell in love with the descriptions of faverolles personalities and their fluffiness, the australorps were added in for egg production and because I'd heard they were more laid back so less likely to pick on the faverolles girls 😉 They are just hatchery birds, ordered through our local feed store, but at 5 weeks old I am already in love!! They talk quite a bit when I pick them up for brooder cleaning or for field trips outside, but they are also the first to come up and say hello 💕 I tried not to pick favorites, but my lightest faverolles, Acorn, is making it tough. She is the first to come say hello every time I visit and hops up in my lap when I sit with them. Pumpkin, our darkest girl, seems to gravitate towards my 2.5 year old, and Patty Pan, our "runt", is always making a big fuss over human interaction, but still wants to be involved in everything we do. These girls are full of personality, I'm just swooning!! Pictured is Acorn, of course 🥰View attachment 2153040
Awww!: Aren't they just the sweetest things?
You haven't seen anything yet though, you just wait lol!
Those girls will talk your ears off, yours are just warming up too!
And don't worry about them being picked on, they're really something to see when they are in a pack.
Oh, you are going to have so much fun! :)
I'm so happy with them! I really can't wait to watch them grow into their crazy little chicken personalities 🤗 I mean, the australorps are great in their own way, but these faverolles are a whole different thing from what I've seen so far, lol. And yes, for all I've heard about them getting picked on, none of these girls seem to be meek by any means. They have also been the first to figure out everything new I give them. So happy with our choices for first time chicken people 😁
You'll enjoy them no doubt there, that kind of enthusiasm is a flashing sign saying perfect fit.
Something you should know so you wont be worried, nothing bad just quirky.
O.k, here it is....this is the smartest they will ever be, by the time they lay eggs their brains are cotton candy.
They really embrace the ditz though, it is like a leg or an eye, an essential accessory to enter adulthood.:)
I'm so happy with them! I really can't wait to watch them grow into their crazy little chicken personalities 🤗 I mean, the australorps are great in their own way, but these faverolles are a whole different thing from what I've seen so far, lol. And yes, for all I've heard about them getting picked on, none of these girls seem to be meek by any means. They have also been the first to figure out everything new I give them. So happy with our choices for first time chicken people 😁
You'll enjoy them no doubt there, that kind of enthusiasm is a flashing sign saying perfect fit.
Something you should know so you wont be worried, nothing bad just quirky.
O.k, here it is....this is the smartest they will ever be, by the time they lay eggs their brains are cotton candy.
They really embrace the ditz though, it is like a leg or an eye, an essential accessory to enter adulthood.:)
Lol, that was party of their charm to me! The descriptions of them "running around acting very busy doing nothing" and something about them tripping all over themselves, made me laugh and reminded me a little of myself... I don't need smart birds, just friendly with the added bonus of eggs 😄
You did your homework!
I want to bronze you now, you have no idea 😍
Lol, that was party of their charm to me! The descriptions of them "running around acting very busy doing nothing" and something about them tripping all over themselves, made me laugh and reminded me a little of myself... I don't need smart birds, just friendly with the added bonus of eggs 😄
My french salmon favorelle, Mama Rose, went broody and gave us 4 chicks. She is a fantastic mother. She just went broody again yesterday, and I want to find some pure breed hatching eggs to slide under her. Does anyone know where I get hatching eggs in a day or two ? Everywhere I find it is 10 days or more. looking for the salmon favorelles and french black copper marans.

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