Chicken Breed Focus - Marans

I have 2 BCM crossed with cream legbar. The girls retained their feathered legs and one of them has a pouffy crest and the other looks like an orange eyed, feather legged Australorp! They are near the top of the food chain, but as they have gotten used to the younger pullets they've chilled out abit. On the roost they let the other black chickens hang out with them.
I love my Marans <3 I've got 3 BCM pullets that I adore. Now I'm looking for some Birchen
I got my first Marans chick 5 weeks ago. (Cuckoo) Kind of hard to tell at her age what her final temperament will be, but she doesn't squabble or bully her Easter Egger sisters, and is somewhere in the middle in the friendly/flighty range among them. Her 'Cuckoo-ing' is just now coming out, with ghostly white spots appearing withing the black of the rest of her
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I've had a few Cuckoo Marans along with the Birchen Marans, and the clean legged cuckoos do have a Terra cotta egg. My Birchens have either a dark or a dark spotted egg. I love the spots! It seems to have an evenly colored egg is a little bit harder for my group, but I like both the solid and the speckled.
I breed Marans on a small scale. They are an excellent breed to have all around except if you need eggs every day from your small backyard flock. To make it clear on their egg laying ability, a good Marans quality dark layer (7-8 on the egg color chart) will lay less eggs then a lighter egg layer simply because it takes more time to transfer pigment onto the shell. Lighter the egg color the faster it travels etc etc. It takes time to get quality.
I have a Copper Maran, Blue Copper Maran and Splash Maran. I acquired them from a private breeder when they were 6 weeks old. I mainly added them to my flock for their gorgeous eggs. I also like to get different kinds of chickens so we can tell them apart after we name them. :) They're almost as big as my full grown hens now. They're so adorable and fun to watch them chase flying bugs.
( Grumbling in my milk). I think making feathered legs in Marans mandatory was big mistake. Feathered legs should have been made optional. Oh yeah, I know all about country of origin " ,etc. But.... the feathers on the legs are really a cultural thing and have a basis in practicality. In France, the people pasture their Marans. The birds free range on grass and the feathered legs/feet just aren't a problem. Enter England. In England, they yard their birds. The feathers get wet and messy, Were just impractical. So they made their Marans without feathers on the legs and feet. Enter America and Canada With a plethora of small holders who yard their birds. So what did we do? Shed practicality for cultural bias and demanded the birds have feathers on feet and legs per "country of origin". Boo ha. I think it was a mistake. They should have been made it optional so everyone could have the best and easiest time possible caring for their birds and have the birds have the heathiest environment. Give me a nice old clean legged Fugate or Ripley any day. Great cuckoos, clean legged and laid lovely dark eggs. Just my not so humble opinion.

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