Chicken Breed Focus - Nankin

The kids love our little nankin pullet, which was lovingly named Pocket Chick

. She is very sweet and seems to enjoy the kids carrying her around. She will talk to you with her distinctive peep peep peep. (always three, don't know why). She was the only egg to hatch out of a batch and was a solo chick for two weeks until I was able to get a silkie chick hatched out and put them together. The only downside is she flies very well. Despite my best efforts she gets up into the rafters of the barn each night. So consider this into their enclosure. Despite her diminutive size, she seems to be able to handle herself around both bantams and Full Size (flying helps). Of course I would not put her in with a large aggressive rooster.

One of our favorites!!

These are my 17 week old Nankin Bantam cockerels. We love this breed. My friend hatched them out from a coworkers eggs and I was blessed with 4 one died right away. They are awesome pets for us. My 2 littl boys love them and they are very calm because we held them everyday while in the brooder. I have 2 cockerels and one female I am hoping hatch some more out next spring.
Great pictures, it's always fun to see kids enjoying the birds! Earlier this year we had a Family & Fowl Photo contest...your pictures would have been an awesome contribution to that. Maybe we'll get to do the contest again sometime. In the meantime, keep taking those pictures, kids and chicks don't stay small for long!

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