Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

Lol.. totally understand..I spent all day building tractors in the rain. Closest thing I have to a beach is a muddy creek bank..ducks loved it tho.. have several WCB bantams due to hatch in a couple days.. sadly I have my fingers crossed for a good only need one tho, so rest of the chicks can be girls..
I'm finally down to about 40 chicks from 300 that I've kept to grow out for a while.. and only 3 bators full to still hatch..I'm addicted ♡♡
Lol.. totally understand..I spent all day building tractors in the rain. Closest thing I have to a beach is a muddy creek bank..ducks loved it tho.. have several WCB bantams due to hatch in a couple days.. sadly I have my fingers crossed for a good only need one tho, so rest of the chicks can be girls..
I'm finally down to about 40 chicks from 300 that I've kept to grow out for a while.. and only 3 bators full to still hatch..I'm addicted ♡♡

Tell me about it

My husband keeps saying no more... Then sends me after "just one more kind". Then he decides he wants me to gather eggs for ANOTHER hatch
Told someone earlier this spring how the struggle was real every time I walked into a Tractor Supply and heard peeps.. 3 days later there was a meme with a picture of chicks with a similar
It's hard to explain to someone that doesn't have the same addiction, but to those of us with it..ya'll know ;)
Told someone earlier this spring how the struggle was real every time I walked into a Tractor Supply and heard peeps.. 3 days later there was a meme with a picture of chicks with a similar
It's hard to explain to someone that doesn't have the same addiction, but to those of us with it..ya'll know ;)

Oh, I know! I have banned myself from TSC until chick season ends, but I'm gonna get guineas so I have to go in........ Guess I'll just hope I can get in and out of there fast enough, lol.

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