Chicken Breed Focus - Russian Orloff

They're a lot of good breeders of Russian Orloffs out there in the internet world. The posts above list a couple of places to go to that can either offer the birds/eggs for sale or you can visit our Orloff website for more ideas and people.
How are they in heat? I love their look but don't want to put any in an environment (southern California inland) that would be bad for them.

anyone can answer that? we don't have real winters and summers are hot. I fell in love with this breed but I don't want to get the birds who cannot live in 105 f summer.
are they easy going birds. are their temperment like gamebirds?
Game birds are not aggressive birds, like you think of an aggressive dog. They are extremely humanized. Their aggression is a natural instinct which they show against each other, usually cocks. You can see this 'aggression ' in any flock or breed. As far as breeds go, Russian Orloffs are the second most easy going, non-aggressive breeds right after Faverolles.
what are there ideal temperature range

Being that they originated from Persia, but bred to the cold-hardy chickens of Russia, anywhere temperate to cold. It's been mentioned, there are successful breeders in Arizona and parts of Texas, so mindful ownership seems to be able to be accomplished in a varied temperature range as people also in Maine and Vermont own them.
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You all forgot to show just how cute they are as chicks :)

We raised them for a few years and really liked them, but had to send all our brood stock to a friend when the plant I worked at shut down and the farm had to be down sized. Very calm and gentle birds, were very comparable to our big Orientals in the way they acted. Will raise them again one of these days.


My RO's learning to mingle with other chicks

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