Chicken Breed Focus - Sussex

If there is a way to do that, I'm certain it's beyond my skill level.

This is hard. The one pipped egg has made almost no progress whatsoever after 24 hours. I did very carefully remove some of the shell around the pip, leaving the membrane intact. The chick is moving, but not vigorously. The more vigorous chick that is slowly zipping around the shell I have left alone.

Life and death situations are stressful. Even this.
Well I think you could do it with an eyedropper if you could find a beak.. the end of beak and maybe get it open a little bit.
Eggsakly, I hope you got a few more chicks from your hatch. I have found when a chick doesn't pip well and gets stalled, you have a window of unpeeling them and getting them out before they either get weak and succumb or they simply never do well or deformed. Despite the bleak outlook for them, I always try.

I have 9 speckled Sussex bantams in the incubator due to hatch in a few days. I accidentally left the lid jarred for a day or two, after candling, and the temperature was lower than it should have been during that time. They will either be delayed or not hatch. I will be hopeful through the weekend, perhaps a little longer.
Hi, gootziecat. I have 1 chick, and that's all I'm getting. The other pipped chick never made it beyond the pip, and the rest have no signs of life at all. I'm sad for the loss of the eggs/chicks, but I'm glad this mostly unsuccessful hatch is over. I will concentrate on keeping little Honey alive and planning a more fruitful future.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement, especially Karen. If I can keep the little one alive, I'll be back to tell you all about her personality.

Oh what a little cutie . just if she looks a little sad, give her one drop of Nutri drench . then put a half a teaspoon of Nutri drench in a quart water for the first two weeks. that will get her off to a strong start .

oh what a little cutie. well you got one . I know it's not what you wanted ... not as many as you wanted but at least you got the one what a cutie . I sure hope it's a pullet because then you can get some more eggs and hatch out a Cockerel . one of the best matings you can do is a Cockerel to an older pullet. that would be great.
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Get the chicken small stuffed chick for company . it's Easter time there should be some at the store . also you can try getting a simple feather duster and setting it up so that looks like a teepee so that the little chick can run inside like it's under a mother hen
I know you have to watch out with a feather duster in the light but still it's an idea.
Hi, Karen. Little Honey appears to be doing okay. S/he is fluffing up, and s/he is already quite friendly, since I'm all s/he has. S/he likes to be held in my warm hands.

I would have preferred to have had a few more eggs hatch, but I was aware going in that my chances for widespread success were not great. If I'd had any idea how bad my incubator is, I would have realized that my chances were less than not great, but now I know. Next time will be better. I can get more eggs . . .
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Yeah, I want to hear about your hatch to! thanks!
Oh boy that little chick is going to be so spoiled ! it's a friendly breed anyway , this one's going to think your its mother or something !haha

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