Chicken butts??

It may be vent gleet..... runny, smelly pooh, or known as yeast infection. You have to give her an epsom salt a tub add 1/4 cup epsom salts and warm water not to hot, and let her lay in it. ( you can pre wash off the pooh) then take her out and towel dry then blow dry. Then next step is to feed her 2 tsp of olive oil, either with a syringe or with the food.
No smell everything looks ok it's not one bird it's all of them. Not a lot of build up about the size of a marble they are all kinda picking at each others backsides? Today I noticed that they where all Fairly clean, I'm feeding them chick starter and wate
Sorry been àway for a while...sticky bottom is when the poop gets stuck to the chicks vent preventing them form pooping, it builds up and they die. But you can just rub a lttle vaseline on the crust then work it with your fingers till it comes off.

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