Chicken canker sore (a little graphic)


Apr 10, 2022
So one of my mother’s roosters has had a canker sore most likely caused by trichomonosis. She has been treating with, Thyme oil, oregano, and poultry vetricyne. He’s a big guy and he usually is the top of the pecking order however recently his behavior has changed and gotten worse. He’s been isolating himself and staying away from the rest of the flock and being more skittish. Hes also being chased away by the other bantam roosters.

He’s been gradually getting worse and his mouth smells awful. His whole left side of his face is swollen along with his waddle and it’s so swollen it’s going over his eye and blocking his eyesight. This is a picture. He is a very beloved rooster and the nicest and best behaved so we really don’t want to put him down unless it’s the only option.

This is a picture. Can this spread to other chickens and anyone have any ideas on treatment or chime in on anything that can be done or if it’s too late.
Canker is very contagious to other chickens. It is a disease that pigeons and wild birds can spread through eating and drinking from feeders and waterers, or mud puddles. I would separate him away from your others and disinfect your waterers and feeders. It can be treated with metronidazole. You can get that here:
Canker is very contagious to other chickens. It is a disease that pigeons and wild birds can spread through eating and drinking from feeders and waterers, or mud puddles. I would separate him away from your others and disinfect your waterers and feeders. It can be treated with metronidazole. You can get that here:
Ok I will do this, my mother actually has been looking everywhere for this apparently. Will he have permanent damage?

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