Chicken Coop Camera System

I have both ring and blink cameras. I just got the blink cams on prime day and so far I prefer the ring cameras BUT the convenience of battery power on the blink is great. I just don’t like the app interface for blink.
Agree about the Blink, I have those and they are such fuss I don't use them. If you were a neighbor and asked me that question, I would fish them out of the junk drawer and scoot you out the door with them before you could change your mind about taking them for free.
Agree about the Blink, I have those and they are such fuss I don't use them. If you were a neighbor and asked me that question, I would fish them out of the junk drawer and scoot you out the door with them before you could change your mind about taking them for free.
Yeah exactly. I have mine set up more like trail cams and then I use the rings in the coop areas.
We got a camera to put inside the coop from Amazon. We really love it so far...we've had it for over 2 months now. The brand is pans, tilts, has night vision, has a strobe light, siren, audio (so you can talk to them but it scares the crap out of them when we tried this and it is solar powered. You have to view from cell phone. You "can" install a memory card but we chose not to at this time...we just want to be able to check on them, not record them. It runs a little over $100 but there was a $20 coupon on it.

It works just as it far so good 👍
A friend recommended Amazon Blink to me, I was pretty happy with it so got another set on prime day. Tilts, talks, records, night vision, can add cameras easy, wireless w/2 year lithium battery. I can check everything from my phone easy... good enough for me and our 2 homes and coops, also on 2 different properties. I am sure there is better out there. This was pretty hassle free and chicken egg sales paid for one set 😉
I had blink for our house and it was a pia..PIA... the batteries were always dead or they couldn't get a wifi signal or they would just randomly go off line. Someone recommended Reolink as a solar camera for the coop. I bought 2 to start and loved them so much, I replaced all our blink cameras with them and did what mother hen said... our neighbor stopped by and mentioned he was looking to blink get them for his mother's house and i couldn't get them in a box fast enough.

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